18 visualizações
Change language?

8 assuntos, 13 respostas

Mensagem não lida
Hi everyone,
I just installed Neofrag and it's simply just awesome!
Problem is that I do not really understand French :D

Can I change my administration menue + website language to english?

I can see in files that there are infact like a english lang pack... but does not seem to work.

EDIT: I do have a tab in models called languages and ENGLISH is in the top, but some tabs in administration panel still on french, same with website.

EDIT: I also want to ask how the navigation works? I can't change the names of the actual navigation buttons. How do I do that?

I can see that many people actually have these issues. Any updates?
2 participantes
3 respostas

17 assuntos, 875 respostas

Mensagem não lida
Hi @albin2009 !

Welcome on NeoFrag !

U can change the names of links directly with the "LiveEditor" tool.
Translation system is still in development... :)

8 assuntos, 13 respostas

Mensagem não lida
I will just ahve to translate everything on my own... Most of the actual site is in english.

8 assuntos, 13 respostas

Mensagem não lida
I have almost translated the WHOLE site to my own liking.
One question though, how the hell do I change the language of the birthday calendar on profile page?