Create your eSport and Gaming site

Download and install NeoFrag for your community!

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En plus de tous ces points forts, NeoFrag est open source et entièrement gratuit !


The modular architecture allows optimal management of its site.
List of modules


Adapted for multilingual sites, the translation will be maintained thanks to thecommunity.


Manythemes, along with a maximum of customization options, will create unique sites.

eSport & Gaming

Customized features, designed for eSport & Gaming teams.

Modern & fast

Designed with the goal of being as fast as possible, the latest technologies are managed.


The administration interface guarantees security, its access is adjustable according to the needs, with more or fewer rights.

Designed for developers

NeoFrag est un framework à part entière, qui permet aux développeurs de concevoir des modules répondant à n'importe quels besoins. Grâce à la future documentation et aux tutos vidéo, la programmation deviendra facile et à la portée de tous.

GitHub Documentation

Project progress

NeoFrag is in Alpha version, but not for long!

Hibernation exitMarch25, 2018

Resumption of activity after several months of intense development. The presentation site of NeoFrag has been reworked somewhat.

Release Alpha 0.2June26, 2018

This new version brings mainly internal innovations, including a new model management, the integration of namespaces ...

Turnkey hosting

We will offer a low cost web hosting service.
In addition, an offer (limited storage space) will discover NeoFrag for free.

Technical documentation

The documentation will allow the developers to take in hand the code of NeoFrag to create their own themes & addons.

Community translation

The community will be involved in translating the entire project thanks to a tailor-made tool that facilitates this work.

Premium Themes Store

Le module Thèmes & Addons sera étoffé avec de nombreux composants supplémentaires, ainsi que des thèmes premium payants pour répondre à tous vos besoins.

Release Beta 1.0

Dernière ligne droite avant la première version stable, cette bêta mettra fin au stade d'alpha, notamment grâce à l'installation automatisée...

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