25 뷰
Just a list

17 과목, 53 개

참여자 기증자
읽지 않은 메시지
Hi everyone,

I am creating this topic for only one reason, to keep track if this features/improvements are implemented and if not to kindly request our amazing developers if they can do it when they got some spare time.

Most of the items in this list are probably already being developed and will be available in later versions of NeoFrag. I will be updating as I continue to use the cms.

This is only my personal list of thing s that would be great to have implemented, not a list of what is going to be implemented

----- Core Improvements ----------
- Account activation
- reCaptcha(ability to enable/disable)
- User registration (on/off)
- Email configuration (SMTP info)

------ Forum Improvements -------
- Move Topics
- Ranks
- Sub Forums

--------- Permissions ---------
- Bans
- Limit news/forums view by permission/team group

-- Multi-Level Menu