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[Ready] - Twitch Video - BBCode integration

17 sujets, 53 réponses

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I will be posting shortly a bbcode integration to allow Twitch Video integration by using the following code

example: http://www.twitch.tv/heroislusitanos/v/5472563

from the url above we take the channel name, in this case heroislsuitanos and add as a tag parameter (twitchv=heroislusitanos).

Now we have the video ID (5472563) and the type of content that means video ( http://www.twitch.tv/heroislusitanos/v/5472563) so we put the together as v5472563 and add this within the bbcode tags. and that's it

[twitchv=heroislusitanos]v5472563[/twitchv ]


1 - open the file text_editor.php located at [SITE_ROOT]/neofrag/libraries (example: /public_html/neofrag/libraries/text_editor.php)
2 - add the following line within the bbcode array ( it looks like this -> private $_bbcode = array (....)) :
'\[twitchv=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/twitchv\]' => '<object bgcolor="#000000" data="//www-cdn.jtvnw.net/swflibs/TwitchPlayer.swf" height="378" id="clip_embed_player_flash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"><param name="movie" value="//www-cdn.jtvnw.net/swflibs/TwitchPlayer.swf" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="flashvars" value="channel=\1&start_volume=25&auto_play=false&videoId=\2&initial_time=0" /></object>',

DO NOT forget if you are adding the line at the end of the array, the previous line needs to end with a a comma( , )

4 participants
9 réponses

4 sujets, 50 réponses

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thx ! :)

17 sujets, 875 réponses

Contributeurs Staff
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Good job Luis.
Ps: Check your mails :p

38 sujets, 883 réponses

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GG mean
"N'arrêtez jamais d'apprendre" !

17 sujets, 53 réponses

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@eResnova - email replied :P

38 sujets, 883 réponses

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you can add tchat in vidéo ?

"N'arrêtez jamais d'apprendre" !

17 sujets, 53 réponses

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Videos don't have chat :)

but i can make a Twitch chat widget for the sidebar

38 sujets, 883 réponses

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yeah ! ^^
"N'arrêtez jamais d'apprendre" !

17 sujets, 53 réponses

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Zaekof - do you want something like this? - thats one is just a mockup using embed the embed chat into a iframe. also that one is responsive

DEMO: http://heroislusitanos.pt/

38 sujets, 883 réponses

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no it's good sorry bro ^^
"N'arrêtez jamais d'apprendre" !