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Youtube Widget

17 sujets, 53 réponses

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Please let me know if you find any bug.

There will be additional features coming to this widget

NOTE: API KEY and Client ID are not mandatory, You can add your own keys if you wish but you can also use the ones that are there by default

!! IMPORTANT: The GW2 Worldboss Timer is not working with this widget enabled, there's some jQuery/AngularJS issues that I am looking into. I will update the faulty widget soon they get sorted. !!

6 participants
12 réponses

1 sujet, 4 réponses

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Live preview ?

17 sujets, 53 réponses

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I will add something after I get a demo environment for all the widgets.

Added some screenshots

38 sujets, 883 réponses

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thx bro !
"N'arrêtez jamais d'apprendre" !

17 sujets, 53 réponses

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!! IMPORTANT: The GW2 Worldboss Timer is not working with this widget enabled, there's some jQuery/AngularJS issues that I am looking into. I will update the faulty widget soon they get sorted. !!

17 sujets, 875 réponses

Contributeurs Staff
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NeoFrag already include jquery.js libraire. It will maybe helps you...

17 sujets, 53 réponses

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Hi Jérémy,

Yes, but its a wired one, I am not sure if the problem is with the angular lib I have, and actually the situation is different, this widget will work with the GW2 worldboss timer.

The GW2 worldboss timer is the ones that does not work with this widget :D . I will update the notice message :P

If I get stuck I may ask you guys (all devs on the forum) to give me a hand ... :D

1 sujet, 14 réponses

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je voudrais savoir si il serait possible de modifier le widgets cwyoutube pour en faire un module!


38 sujets, 883 réponses

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oui ça doit être possible
"N'arrêtez jamais d'apprendre" !

17 sujets, 53 réponses

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I know is a bit late for my reply, but soon i get it done i will post the module, although rest assure that is most likely that the NEOFRAG team also have a video/streams module planned...

38 sujets, 883 réponses

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@creativewild +1
"N'arrêtez jamais d'apprendre" !

5 sujets, 39 réponses

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Bonjour a tous,

il y aurait un tuto pour installer la possibilité de mettre une video youtube ?
Car je comprend pas l'anglais et je serais fortement intéressé
Leader de la section "LES PAPAS FLINGUEURS"
Plateforme : Playstation4 - Game : Battlefield 1

5 sujets, 39 réponses

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up ?
Leader de la section "LES PAPAS FLINGUEURS"
Plateforme : Playstation4 - Game : Battlefield 1