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17 sujetos, 53 respuestas

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Hi, My name is Luis, I am a 29 years old Linux engineer, I am Portuguese but living in the UK.

I 've been following this project since I saw it announced on eResnova website.

Myself and a couple friends manage the biggest Guild Wars 2 Portuguese guild with over 500 members, we also have a multi gaming section that has about 300 members from CS:Go to WildStar.

We used NukedKlan in the past and i still have the themes i bought from eResnova, but we are currently using a mix of Webspell with custom coded frontend.

Either way this CMS is a fresh blow of air into the Gaming community, as currently we struggle with the lack of customization from existing systems.

Well done! :)

ps: is possible to compile a list of features the CMS will have in the first Alpha? :)
2 participantes
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17 sujetos, 875 respuestas

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Hi Luis,

Belated happy birthday !!! (I can not post smiley with a birthday cake but the attention is here!)

As always, thank you for your support and welcome at neofrag.fr ! You're the first foreigner to follow our project and we are happy to see you there ;).

@PS : We will soon publish a list of features of the Alpha version. Promised! :)

17 sujetos, 53 respuestas

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Hi Jérémy, Thank you very much.

I saw the list is now published, and i can only say that I am really looking forward for the weekend to install it and play with it.

Last year i was looking forward to a project that you may know called DungeonCMS that end up not happening, but now i see this one almost out of the door in Alpha what makes me really happy :)

At the moment i am stuck with this half-breed project (back end webspell with custom front end) that is a nightmare when it comes to change the template for a new project - https://www.heroislusitanos.com)

This will really make my life much easier :D

As before please count me in for translations ans some code contributions :P

PS: Although I am Portuguese I have a good base in French language(6 years of French in school) enough to understand the writing and spoken language, but I am not very good at making sentences, most of the time I misspell words, but either way I can still understand everything you guys write (even if I have to use Google translator :P )