17 vistas
English ETA?

1 sujeto , 0 respuesta

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Loving the CMS so far, been reading around the forum (even used google translate to read the non english stuff haha)

read that English is coming up in an upcoming version, is their any ETA on that? I guarentee it will get a lot more users, as a CMS like NeoFRAGS is something people have told me they have wanted for their teams site all the time.

if anyone has successfully change it to English, mind sharing files for it?
2 participantes
1 respuesta

25 sujetos, 573 respuestas

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Welcome and thanks for your message

English version is already released.
The system detect automatically the best language for users (based on their browser lang prefs) but if you want to force English you must remove unused languages on your database (in table nf_settings_languages)
However, not every content is translated from French to English, we will do it within a few months